Unlock Headache Relief: A Step-by-Step DIY Aromatherapy Inhaler Guide

Essential oil bottles and dried herbs scattered on a marble surface.

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Getting Started

I love a good craft, especially when it's all about self-care and feels like a luxurious treat without breaking the bank. Headaches are a common bother, and if you're into natural remedies, I’ve got one for you that is gentle on the budget and scratches that craft itch. In this post, I’ll take you into the world of aromatherapy for headaches and walk you through making your very own aromatherapy inhaler for those on-the-go relief moments.

Understanding Aromatherapy for Headaches

Full disclosure – I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist with no formal aromatherapy training. My knowledge extends to a brief massage school lesson on how to add essential oils to your carrier massage oil. Definitely not an aromatherapy authority here. But, I've got a sweet inhaler recipe from a client turned certified aromatherapist through The Aromahead Institute. For the nitty-gritty on aromatherapy, I recommend checking out their site or tapping into resources from other certified professionals.

This post is all about my hands-on experience crafting these little guys. Ready to learn how to whip up your essential oil inhaler at home? Keep reading!

Choosing the Right Essential Oils

Before you embark on your inhaler-making adventure, you've got to pick the right essential oils. My resident aromatherapist recommends a blend of frankincense, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, and helichrysum essential oils for tension headache relief. Feel free to experiment with your own blends, or customize this blend to your taste and budget. Get creative with it!

Quality does matter, folks. Opt for organic essential oils from a reputable source if you can swing it. I snagged all my oils for these inhalers from Aromatics International.

Materials Needed for DIY Aromatherapy Inhaler

Once you've got your essential oils, you're nearly there. All you need are some blank aromatherapy inhalers – tiny plastic tubes with a cotton wick inside. The wick soaks up the essential oil blend, then gets sealed inside the plastic tube for easy access. I got my blank inhaler tubes from amazon, but I’ve seen them at grocery stores in the essential oils/natural remedies section.

Here's your shopping list for a tension headache relief inhaler:

Some oils can be a bit pricey - cough helichrysum cough -, but remember, you only need a couple of drops per inhaler. I made a bunch for my clients and spent around $200 for 100 inhalers, making each one less than $2. About $150 went into essential oils, and I still had leftovers for my massage sessions.

Blank Nasal Inhaler Tubes in Packaging

This was the set of blank nasal inhalers I got from Amazon. The 24 pack cost me about 12 dollars.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making an Aromatherapy Inhaler

Once you've got your gear, it's smooth sailing.

  1. Drop some essential oils onto the cotton wick in the ratios listed above.

  2. Pop off the inhaler tube cap and take off the little bottom disc to insert the saturated wick in the plastic tube.

  3. Seal the bottom disc back up, secure the cap, and voila!

Assembling the Inhalers. Dropping the oil onto the cotton wicks.

I just decided to go for it and dropped the essential oils directly on the cotton wicks. If I were to do this again, I’d probably lay all of the blank wicks on a paper plate or baking sheet and drop the essential oils on top to save time and cleanup.

HOw to Use Your Aromatherapy Inhaler

Hold the inhaler up to your nose, take a deep whiff through one nostril (cover the other), and switch. Use it at the first sign of a headache and whenever you need a little pick-me-up.

Wrapping Things Up

Crafting your aromatherapy inhaler is a breeze – it's simple, easy, and won't break the bank. With the magic of essential oils, you can bring the benefits of aromatherapy wherever life takes you. Give it a shot, let the delightful scents be your guide, and have a headache-free day!

ADditional Resources

For more aromatherapy and headache relief info, check out these resources:

Happy crafting, and here's to saying goodbye to those headaches!

Alyssa Coulter

I’m Alyssa, a Licensed Massage Therapist in Knoxville, TN specializing in massage for all things headache. Check out my website for tips on how to manage your tension headaches, migraines, and TMJ dysfunction with low-risk, non-invasive, feel-good manual techniques.


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