Massage Therapy & Tension Headaches


2002 research on massage therapy and the frequency of chronic tension headaches.


This study set out to determine the effect of focused massage therapy techniques on non-migraine chronic headaches.



25 chronic headache sufferers underwent 30 minute massage therapy sessions twice a week for four weeks. The massages focused on the head, neck, and shoulders.  Chronic headache symptoms were recorded over the course of multiple weeks.



The massage sessions significantly reduced the frequency of chronic headaches after one week of sessions.  The frequency and intensity of headaches continued to reduce throughout the remainder of the study.  Effects of focused massage techniques were shown to reduce intensity and frequency of chronic headaches for as long as six months after the treatment course ended.



The study supports the potential of focused massage therapy to treat chronic headaches functionally, in place of a medicinal approach. The size of the sample, difference in treatment administered from therapist to therapist, and a lack of a double blind study should be considered when applying the results to other groups.

link to full study

Massage Therapy and Frequency of Chronic Tension Headaches

Alyssa Coulter

Iā€™m Alyssa, a Licensed Massage Therapist in Knoxville, TN specializing in massage for all things headache. Check out my website for tips on how to manage your tension headaches, migraines, and TMJ dysfunction with low-risk, non-invasive, feel-good manual techniques.

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Massage Therapy As a Treatment for Migraine